10월, 2019의 게시물 표시

Chuseok essay - 'Existentialism of Chuseok' (improved version)

It's early Thursday morning, but your mother's busy footsteps wake you up. You wake up and with half-opened eyes and wear some neat clothes. Soon, the family gets into the car, then you close your eyes, leaning on the shoulder of your brother, sleeping as well. After a few bumping sounds, now you are in your grandmother's house. You meet your grandmother and hug each other. Relatives are sitting on the sofa, and you hug them too. You want to play with nephews, but it is better to save it and get sleep early because you have to be prepared for some exhausting events scheduled tomorrow.  Your family will do two things tomorrow: grave cleaning and ritual ceremony - jesa. You have to visit your ancestor's grave and cut some long grass to make it an oval-shaped dome. After a long trip to somewhere inside a mountain, you arrive at your ancestor's grave. Now your work - grave gardening - starts, it's a lot of work indeed. Even after you finished it, you can't

2019 / 10 / 14 - I'm doomed

Spanish Quiz, AP English Essay, AP English Quiz, and all not started yet. Now, it's 1 AM. 6 hours left. I'll reveal the result in the afternoon... . . . . . . No good results...TT

If I can go back to 9 years old

     I kicked out two chances to do work that I love and also earn some money, a soccer player and a musician. I loved these jobs, but I was too late. By kicking out those dreams I learned the importance of the surrounded environment of childhood. If my parents brought me to the youth soccer academy or if my parents were a music producer, what would be the thing I do today, or, what if I can go back to 9 years old? Other than the broken dream, I did many stupid mistakes, or regrets that I should have done this before. However, I'm not saying here that I really regret it. I should not. In Sound and Fury , Quentin's father gives him a watch for a reason. That is, don't be obsessed with time and forget the past. It's hard to forget the fault that made my present worse, but I found how to solve my problem of an obsession on past. It is to raise my children, doing my best.      I can't go back to 9 years ago, but my children can be 9 years old. I once lived a life, an

Life of Jacob Collier

In the bleak midwinter - Jacob Collier      I once had a dream of a musician, specifically a jazz musician. I always imagined the form of music that I wanted to create and thought no one in the world would think the same as me. However, I happened to find this guy, a young talented musician who was creating music of the exact one I was secretly preparing. I was a total shock. That was my music.      He had everything that musicians needed. Awesome voice, video editing skills, a perfect pitch that can sense a cent wrong, freely playing instruments including almost everything, creativity, and mostly, perfect understanding of usage in chords. I was so jealous of him that he had everything at the age of 22, for example, a Grammy award,  while I achieved nothing. I researched him, and I found that his family was a musical family. His mother - a conductor in the London Philharmonic Orchestra - taught everything on music and soon young Jacob started a life of a Jazz artist. He was a l

Pursuit of dream 2: life of musician

Anna Fedorova's play of Rachmaninoff Piano Concerto No.2      I started to listen to music since I learned to play the cello. I learned to play the piano at the same time, and the first music I downloaded was classical music. I listened to classics from Bach to Rachmaninoff, and I especially liked pieces like Rachmaninoff piano concerto No. 2 or Dvorak Symphony no. 9. I was a classic man for like 10 years. I could feel the deep sensation through many pieces and thought the classics have so many things to study.       I began to listen to POP, rap, or ballad music when I went to middle school. It was a whole new spectrum of music, and also appealing as classical music. However, I thought that these kinds of music did not have depth on themself, and not academically valuable. All songs were sharing the same theme or chord, and it was boring. I even thought them not as artists. So-called producers are making music effortlessly, while classic players practice for more than

Pursuit of dream: Soccer player

Napoli Fans shouting out Gonzalo Higuain After he scores a goal. It gives me extreme excitement of Adrenaline, and reason to be a soccer player.      Half of my middle school life was playing soccer. Every recess time, lunchtime, and time after school is done, I played soccer every day. After I got home, I watched youtube channels about soccer. My primary interests at that time were developing new dribble skills, studying tactics, and practicing technics. Soccer was why I go to school. I really admired soccer players like Messi, Ozil, Di Maria, Modric, Higuain, and so many other players. I wanted to score a goal in front of 50,000 people shouting my name, have a 100M annual income, and be an idol of worldwide children. But above all, the best reason was that playing soccer was always happy.      My friend wondered when did I study to go to KMLA because I did not spend a lot of time to study, but played soccer every day with them. I could make it because I studied every night

5 AM of KMLA

     From 6 PM to 5 AM, every time in KMLA has its own characteristics. 6 PM is a time for dinner, 7 PM to 9 PM is for study and also for the 10 PM to 12 PM. The characters of these times are obvious, but the times after 12 PM has a special and unique feature. Were it not been for the two years spent in here, you would have not realized them. This discovery is based on your own experience, but it seems to be true for the other members of KMLA, too. 12 PM to 1 AM: The time of relaxation       This one hour really passes quickly. After an exhausting four hours of studying, your mental just loses its tension and eager to have a rest. You usually watch Facebook, spend time on Youtube, or talk with my roommates. Time flies faster than a bullet, and you suddenly notice that the time is 1 AM now. 1 AM to 2 AM: The time of realizing reality      Now you realize that you wasted again your precious one hour to finish the homework, but still relieved because you have one hour left until