2020-1 Midterm Essay revised

I belong to G half-sharp, a place between G and G#. It came to my mind when I happened to watch 'In the bleak of midwinter' arranged by Jacob Collier on Youtube. For 18 years, I thought that there were only 12 keys in a musical scale - C to B. However, Jacob was using a note that wasn't belong to the traditional 12 keys, a G half-sharp. It was a big stroke to me because, at that time, I felt that I didn't belong anywhere, and it was so similar to G half-sharp. I liked STEM subjects but also liked humanities too, not being extraordinary in one side. Since I was in middle school, I kept considering what I should major in university, and it was so hard because I couldn't even choose a side, a STEM, or humanity. I could finally find an answer to that from Jacob. I was not being to one side. I don't have to - I can just stay in the middle, not G or not G#, but G half-sharp. I felt that I was connected to Kenneth Cho, a guy that is in my Facebook profile wh

On failure

"Bip - " It was my tenth time to hear my robot breaking away from the same place of a map. I was exhausted because that code was to be the last possibility that should have made the robot to evade the obstacle it couldn't pass for the last 3 hours. I couldn't think of any other code to try. I felt like what Captain America would have felt if Dr. Strange's the only way to save earth from Thanos was actually wrong. Maybe today was just an unlucky day. Feeling so frustrated, I packed my stuff and headed to the subway boarding home. Subway was my favorite place to refresh myself and come up with original ideas. Ever since I was an elementary school student, I took the subway to go to school and to come back home. On those daily excursions of about 30 minutes, I enjoyed contemplation that no one could interrupt. On the train, apathy was the only sharing of passengers, and in that indifference, I could separate my feelings and rationally think about the problems

30 Things About Me

1. I don't like riding a car. There were some moments I felt that I was close to my death when I was in the car. Actually, my fear is toward transportation itself. I feel fear to take an airplane or a train. I firmly think that the only safe transportation is my foot. 2. I've played the cello since I was in the first grade of elementary school. These days, I am practicing jazz piano, especially pieces from Bill Evans. 3. I'm having hardship on talking with girls and teachers. 4. I started web programming since the COVID-19 quarantine. I am trying to launch a chrome extension based social media named Ahoy, with Jaewon and Seonghun. It will grow to a 1B dollar company, and Google will buy it. 'Ahoy!' just came out to the web store, and you can download in  https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ahoy/ahepineneaniaknbpemfghfamobkhpkn?hl=ko 5. I really love to eat ramen that I can only eat ramen for a month. However, I couldn't eat ramen from Cambodia beca

2. 21. 2020 Advanced English Writing Class Essay

Main Question: A dream? D on't you want to be a star ? I always wanted the life full of attention and applaud , just like Beyonce or Justin Bieber. People watched them on TV and listened to their music, making some replies and reactions. But most importantly, celebrities could give influences to the public. They could change the world. Compared to them, I was just nothing. Nobody except my family or friends recognized me. If this happens until I die, maybe I would be no more historically important then random dust. Just like other stars, I dreamed of influencing the world. I dreamed of changing the world. I dreamed to be a star. To do that, initially, I needed fans . A nd w ho could be my fan ? I didn't have a big studio with nice instruments that can produce a billboard chart music. From the perspective of producing music, what I could do was recording me playing cello in the orchestra with the shoddy phone recorder. I thought I wouldn't gain any kind of popularit

English Writing Class final term personal essay

     I remember the warm winds when I played soccer at the playground when I was in elementary school. I remember the shouting after I magically scored in the recess time of middle school. I remember the laughter of the friends who played soccer with me in front of the dormitory. I remember I was happy.      What is the difference between a pro player and an amateur? You said it was a performance, but actually, it isn't. Pros are the luckiest people. You said you could be a lucky guy, but you were too late. Look at your body. You should have more muscles and a higher height. Your frustration isn't only yours, but its the feeling of every child who wanted to be a soccer player. You smile anytime you play soccer, but that doesn't mean that you can't smile when you do something else.      I gave up being a soccer player because it was too hard. Maybe I could chase that dream if I were an English boy who lives in Manchester. Maybe I could chase that dream if I had a per

FutureMe Letter : November 14th, 2019

Dear FutureMe, Hi, I'm Seong-Jun of November 14th, 2019. Today is Korean SAT day, so I came out in the morning and cheered for domestic seniors. After some weeks, they will get out of the dormitory. Seniors have only a few left days in KMLA, and you would also be in this situation when you read this letter. How is it feel like? Are you satisfied with your achievement in KMLA? I did similar speculation after the end of the first year in here, mostly regretting not achieving anything. I was full of idealistic thoughts, like studying vector calculus, Python, deep learning, Oxtoby chemistry, etc. However, I spend most of the time procrastinating on Youtube and Facebook. I wasn't a better person than me of 2017. The year 2018 passed like that, and now it's bounding to the end of 2019. I am somewhat improved, but still, have to do more. Now I can see the intention and significance of literary devices, and read sonnets. You will read at the end of 2020. What is your prog

2 weeks' result: since 10 / 28

     In the post 'Being a Leader', I said I will set up a goal that brings a positive effect something like '30 push-ups every day', and it should be done every day. Therefore, I set up one goal, which is 'do abdominal exercise every day. From 10 / 28 Monday, I kept it for a week, and next week, 11 / 8,  I added plank exercise, squat exercise, and 20 push-ups per day. Surprisingly, I did all of that! It was not very hard, but it was not easy. Every day my muscles were sore, but I felt my body getting better. It was a happy pain.      However, there were some goals that I couldn't keep even for a day. It was studying for 2 hours and read a book for 30 minutes per day. I was regretful and shameful. It was lucky that I had no tests or quiz that week. If it wasn't, I would have been in big trouble. Maybe it was because of the exercise. I didn't exercise every day before, so the sudden increase in exercise amount might be the factor of my sleepiness and sh