About Me

     I am a monk. I am not really saying that I am really a 'monk', but I decided to live like them as much as I can after I read the book about the life of monks in Himalayan Mountains.

     Humans are full of contradictions. When we speak, we are not careful enough that our words often logically collide with what we said in the past, just like present professor Jo-Guk is being criticized by the past Jo-Guk's twitter post. Or we use principles when we need to criticize others, but we often don't follow them. The Himalayan monks know so well about the inherent contradiction of humans, and their primary goal is to get rid of that with a high level of meditation. But no matter how much I desire to be a monk, it is foolish to do the same, giving up my school life. Therefore I made my own 3-stage training method.

     The first stage is to eliminate the contradiction of myself by being a 'by-the-book' person, and the book should be written by yourself. You should make a series of principles like "Do not criticize someone who you don't know". Then, check that every principles are not contrary to the words spoken before, and make sure if the reasons are convincing enough to you. Doing debate helps you to make or own principles because you have to make thousands of value judgments and they will be your principles with a logical system. Now, you should keep them with your behavior. Whatever you do something, think if you are doing it 'by-the-book'. It made me think before and act wiser. I learned to avoid emotional choices and to think deeper, developing my power of logical thinking.

     The second stage is to eliminate the contradiction made by instinct. Instinct makes very frequent contradiction that we meet. If the time is 3 A.M but there exists a principle of "Don't sleep before finishing the homework", we are in contradiction now. The easiest way to escape from this contradiction is to revise the principle to "It is okay to sleep if you are exhausted, even you have homework", however, that isn't the purpose of the training. I first just revised the principle, but after time passed, I could overcome the instinct. To study what I want, like composing, AI, or, sonnet, I had to reduce sleeping to make a time. The process was painful, but I could be a better person, and it was painful but happy process. I'm still in this stage; It is hard and the result not successful, though, I will make perfectly train myself soon.

     The last stage is to eliminate the contradiction in the world. The world is full of contradictions. Racism, lobby, entrance examination corruption, and many other problems are the reasons that people suffer and the world can't go further. I was really frustrated to see those tragedic articles in news, and asked myself, why people just sit aside. This stage is to solve that problem, people staying on the sidelines, by saying "Don't wait, just try to solve it". This is why I think I should go to university. I am not capable to handle social problems right now; I have to learn more. It is also why I think I should go to engineering school; It's because it is better off having the ability to make something. It is important to know philosophy, history, and sociology, but to know how to make will lead to the change faster. It was the same reason that I started programming when I entered high school.

     The previous two steps are the prerequisite of the third step. Without the first step, we can't get the trust of people and without the second step, we can't bear the hard, long, tough moment of the third step. I don't know how long it will take to finish this three-step training, but I want to know how I will be changed after that. Would I become a sage, like a old-trained monk, or just a normal man working in a normal company? Would I become a man who changed the world? I also want to know how the world will be changed. Would the contradiction be eliminated? How moral, righteous, just, it would be? It's up to me and how I spend each day of my life will decide it.


  1. Interesting and very thorough post. Excellent advice. I hope you managed to sort of follow it (though it is pretty hard to be monastic when Brawl Stars is waiting for you lol).


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